Thanks to the Polar Geospatial Center, we have satellite imagery coverage of western and central Marie Byrd Land, where we work in Antarctica. Some of the scenes are suitable for use as stereo pairs from which the landscape evolution can be mapped. Two CC students, Elle and Ashley, did internships at University of Minnesota and they learned the computation techniques well.
Ash Contreras and Elle Emery working on satellite imagery at PGC. |
Oblique perspective view of Mt Murphy. A high resolution scene with new DEM of a subregion, overlain upon LIMA and RAMP. Elle calculated this one and is at work on both scientific and artistic renderings of the volcanic peak. |
Meanwhile, our friends in the dynamic geospatial team at PGC are wondering: "Where's Brad??" "When is Brad going to get home??" |
Last but not least, the one, the only, the Emperor of the Virtual Polar Universe... Paul Morin!!
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