Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Ping Pong Ball Effect

Yes, as predicted, it's groundfog day - foggy and cancelled once again.
Poopoo. Anyway...

The best description of white out conditions I've heard is that of being
inside a ping pong ball. When you're in fog on a flat white expanse of
snow and you can't tell which was is up, down, forward or back. It is
actually possible to get motion sickness in these conditions unless you
have something to aim for. Running on the skiway here for the last few
days is mostly like this, with a little line of flags every 130m or so
to make sure you don't get lost (you can see 200m) and that you don't
get seasick.

It's an unusual feeling and one that reminds me of the start to a
strange, surreal film. Siple Dome, you can check out but you can't leave...

But the most amusing thing about it is that, after not shaving for
almost 3 months and not cutting my hair for more than 5, it gives me a
little indication of what I might look like when I'm a totally grey,
crazed, hairy old man. (All of this is already correct apart from the
TOTALLY grey bit...) Freezing fog sticks to anything and everything.
Photo attached for your amusement.

1 comment:

  1. Tim: your beard is like an entity in and of itself. Lets see a picture of professor Kakymchuckkys beard! You will be delighted to hear that there is 4 meters of snow in Canada where I was just skiing. Though the sierras have none.

    Missing you both, the Twotter boys,

